Get to Know the School of Earth Sciences, China University of Geosciences
● Originate from the Department of Geology and Mineral Exploration that was established the same year as the university was founded in 1952, the School of Earth Sciences was assembled in 1995, from three former departments: Geology, Geochemistry and Geomechanics. We have the largest and most academically diverse geoscience programs in the nation.
● Five departments-- Mineralogy & Petrology, Geochemistry, Geobiology, Structural Geology, Earth Surface System Science, and one interdisciplinary institute of Planetary Science Institute.
● 110faculty,more than 1600graduate students and undergraduate students, and a large family of joint, adjunct, guest professors and emeritus faculty and award-winning staff.
What we do
● Ever since the beginnings, we have worked at the forefront of earth sciences, shaping how we view and interact with our planet as well as with other planets. Their work has led to a better understanding of subjects ranging from earthquake mechanics and analysis to geological dating and history, the consequences of human activities on climate systems and the environment, and the origin, composition, and development of the Earth and other planetary surfaces and atmospheres.
● Our mission is to achieve excellence in earth science research, to provide high-quality undergraduate and graduate education for students and future leaders, to educate the broader public earth sciences,and to interact with society and the government by translating the implications of research through outreach and service, for the benefits of the nation and humankind.
Where we excel
● We have one national talent training center on basic sciences in the field of geology, three field practice base stations among which the Zhoukoudian and the Beidaihe Field Practice Stations have been recognized as the National Field Practice Stations for Geological Sciences.
● Our faculty members include 3members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 8 winners of National Natural Science Foundation funds for Distinguished Young Scholars, and 9 winner of National Natural Science Foundation funds for Excellent Young Scientists.
● Our geology major Ranked No. 1 in the Discipline Evaluation of Chinese Ministry of Education
● The geoscience of our university ranks the 29th among Best Global Universities for geosciences in 2014 U.S. News & World Report.
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